School Dept Wrestles with Incomplete Budget Picture

January 16, 2025
• After hearing from the Needham Town Manager, and facing hard decisions on next year’s budget, the Needham School Committee will postpone their vote, hoping for last-minute adjustments.

The month of January is typically filled with budget discussions for the Needham School Committee. As part of the town budgeting process, they usually unify behind a plan that gets submitted through the Town Manager to the Select Board, the Finance Committee and, finally, Town Meeting. This year, an anticipated shortfall in town revenues has disturbed that rhythm. Rising costs have caused the Superintendent of Schools to modify his proposed budget for FY’26, and more work needs to be done in order to meet the town’s projections. Hoping for a more complete estimate of the funds expected to be provided by the state, the School Committee has delayed action on their budget until a special meeting on Monday, January 27th. The goal would be to provide the town with a budget both the town and schools agree upon. Municipal Producer Yuxiao Yuan looks at their latest session, held on January 14th.

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