Spreading the Word on Reading
March 16, 2023 • Storytime Crafts has partnered with Fidelity Bank to hold a book drive to collect books for kids in need. There is...
A Sweet Note for Plugged In
March 16, 2023 • An alum of the Plugged In Band Program nominated the organization for recognition by the Team Lewis Foundation. It was a...
Share the “Love”
February 9, 2023. The Dining Collaborative of the Charles River Regional Chamber developed the Love Local campaign to encourage residents to dine locally and to...
In Case of Snow…
Aired January 26, 2023. New bylaws in place in Needham change the rules for clearing snow for Needham businesses and residents. We may have lucked...
Grant Helps Community Farm Grow During Winter
Thanks to a grant through the Community Preservation Act, the Needham Community Farm could build additional raised beds to provide more opportunities for locals to...