Needham History: The Boys of Summer…Needham Style
The Englishmen in the Heights stuck with their own national game. Needham's Albion Cricket Club, one of the more successful of the town’s state-league teams,...
Needham History: One More for the Road
It became increasingly common for Town Meeting to adjourn early in the day, and resume the meeting later at one of the town’s taverns. The...
Spring to Arrive at the NHCM
March 28, 2024 • A look at what to expect at the celebration of Needham's official flower. The Giant Swiss Pansy is having a bit...
Needham History: Location, Location, Location
Was Pilfershire the abode of thieves...? Location, Location, Location! “Granted [by the Town of Dedham] to Thomas Metcalfe and to his Heirs and Assigns forever...
Needham 2 Arlington Community Walk
249 years ago Needham residents helped repel British attacks on Lexington and Concord. The Needham Militia’s 12.6 mile march to join the battle started at...
Needham History: About Those Bombs…
Maybe bringing explosives home to the suburbs was not such a good idea after all... The Cosmic-Terrestrial Research Laboratory at 31 Bird Street, circa 1942....