Toddler Parent Group: The New Parent Group We Didn’t Have

First Parish in Needham 23 Dedham Avenue, Needham

Did you bring home a baby during the COVID-19 lockdown? Come join fellow parents of “pandemic babies” who are navigating the world of raising young children in what can feel like a whole new world. We will share our worries, joys, experiences, and resources on all things parenting: transitions, social skills, struggles with separation, navigating […]


Creator of Social Security: First Female Cabinet Secretary Frances Perkins

Center at the Heights 300 Hillside Avenue, Needham Heights, MA, United States

Frances was a confidante of FDR, the first female Cabinet Secretary, and object of admiration and contempt from her male contemporaries. She dedicated her career to providing exploited working men and woman with safe, humane workplaces. Over the course of her political life, she pushed through legislation to reform child labor and reduce crushing work-week […]