The Changing Border of ‘Needham Center’
Aired January 12, 2023. The Planning Board discussed the updated plan for 888 Great Plain Avenue, which would require changes to a zoning by-law if...
Is WELL Belfour Compromise Enough?
Aired December 22, 2022. WELL Belfour Senior Living proposed a compromise on independent living units at the latest Planning Board meeting, but is it enough...
Who Thinks About Taxes in December?
Aired December 8, 2022. It may seem a little early to be talking about next year's taxes, but the Select Board are on task in...
Blue Tree Kicks Off Holiday Season
Despite the town common being under construction, the annual Blue Tree Lighting celebration continued this year on Greene's Field. Aired: December 8, 2022 This year,...
CATH Seniors Sample Food Service
Aired November 10, 2022. Heart to Home Meals, a Massachusetts company, stopped by the Center at the Heights in Needham to inform residents about another...
Planning Board Mulls Bulfinch Proposal
Aired November 3, 2022. The Needham Planning Board began discussions about the potential project at 557 Highland Avenue after listening to residents' concerns and closing...