A Second Look at ‘Candidates Night’
March 28, 2024
• As the town election nears, the League of Women Voters of Needham offers insight into the races for Select Board and the Needham Housing Authority.
When our form of government works at its best, voters get to choose from a number of potential office-holders with differing values, opinions and backgrounds. It is not, however, always easy to choose those individuals based off of campaign flyers and websites. In fact, for the smaller races with limited budgets, those things may not even exist. So when forums like the annual Candidates Night, hosted by the League of Women Voters of Needham, are held, it provides an opportunity to hear from those vying for your vote in a way that lets you know what kind of leader they would be.
This month, all Needham voters will be asked to select their choice from two contested races. Municipal producer Yuxiao Yuan attended the League’s event, and looks at what is facing those hoping for a seat on the Needham Housing Authority or one of two seats on the Select Board.
The League of Women Voters of Needham has additional information on the Spring Election, including their Voter’s Guide, Town Meeting candidates, and ballot question information. You can find those resources online at their website: