Get Ready to Vote – April 11, 2023
The Annual Town Election is just two weeks away, and it’s important to be informed about the candidates and their positions before heading to the polls. Here at Needham local gathered a few materials to help prepare you to vote. Keep an eye on the date, because deadlines for registration and ballot requests are coming up fast. With two contested town-wide seats and two ballot questions, the races are close and there is more reason than ever to make sure your voice is heard!
You can follow this link to check out the ballot for the spring election for your precinct.
You can click here to download the Town of Needham’s Election Calendar for the spring.
Contested Races
There are two contested town-wide offices in this spring’s election. The Planning Board race between incumbent Adam Block and Rob Dangel, and a three candidate race for two seats on the Select Board. The candidates for the second race are incumbent Marianne Cooley, and two challengers, Joshua Levy and Cathy Dowd. You can click on their names above to visit their campaign websites.
All five of these candidates attended and participated in the Needham League of Women Voter’s Candidates Night Forum, held on March 27th. It is available for streaming in the window below, and offers a great opportunity for you to hear their positions on key town issues.
We also have a recap of the event that was part of the Needham Channel News on March 30th.
In addition, the Needham Channel’s municipal producer, Yuxiao Yuan produced a special earlier in March, featuring one-on-one interviews with the Select Board candidates, providing an opportunity for them to express themselveson their reasons for running for office.
Ballot Questions
Two ballot questions also face Needham voters. They were the subject of a special informational forum held by the Needham League of Women Voters on March 20th. Municipal Producer Yuxiao Yuan Recaps the issues in this next video, which pulled from the event.
The Town has pulled together a number of resources on its website pertaining to the two ballot questions but that does not include the letter and materials sent to the League of Women Voters prior to their forum, which can be found by following this link.
The full League of Women Voters of Needham forum “Focus on the 2023 Needham Ballot Questions” is also available for viewing in the window below.