Municipal Organizations
Calendar of Events
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Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) is a 12-Step self-help program for individuals who experience both an addiction and a psychiatric challenge. This mutual support community uses a harm reduction approach towards wellness. Adults recovering from any addiction and any mental health challenge are welcome to attend. DRA meetings are open to the public, family and supporters.
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MWRA Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program Public Information Session
MWRA Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program Public Information Session
This public information session will provide residents, businesses, state and local officials, and others with a general update on the program, the anticipated construction schedule, and the opportunity to ask questions. For more information about the project, please visit MWRA's Metropolitan Water Tunnel Program's website at: Additionally, if you require interpretive services for this […]
1 event,
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) is a 12-Step self-help program for individuals who experience both an addiction and a psychiatric challenge. This mutual support community uses a harm reduction approach towards wellness. Adults recovering from any addiction and any mental health challenge are welcome to attend. DRA meetings are open to the public, family and supporters.
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1 event,
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) is a 12-Step self-help program for individuals who experience both an addiction and a psychiatric challenge. This mutual support community uses a harm reduction approach towards wellness. Adults recovering from any addiction and any mental health challenge are welcome to attend. DRA meetings are open to the public, family and supporters.
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1 event,
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) is a 12-Step self-help program for individuals who experience both an addiction and a psychiatric challenge. This mutual support community uses a harm reduction approach towards wellness. Adults recovering from any addiction and any mental health challenge are welcome to attend. DRA meetings are open to the public, family and supporters.
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1 event,
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) is a 12-Step self-help program for individuals who experience both an addiction and a psychiatric challenge. This mutual support community uses a harm reduction approach towards wellness. Adults recovering from any addiction and any mental health challenge are welcome to attend. DRA meetings are open to the public, family and supporters.