Needham Area Community Cabinet to host benefit for Visiting Nurses
May 1 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Evening Under the Stars to benefit VNA Care will be held Thursday, May 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. on the Terrace of the MIT Endicott House Estate, 80 Haven St., Dedham. This 12th annual event, hosted by VNA Care’s Needham Area Community Cabinet volunteers, will be an unforgettable night with delicious food and spectacular entertainment with a special guest performance by Shalyah Fearing. All funds raised will directly support hospice and home health care for local patients and families. VNA Care is grateful for the generosity of its lead sponsors: Inspired Leader Sponsors Louise Condon Realty and Mutual of America, and Changemaker Sponsors, Bulfinch, Dedham Savings, Middlesex Savings Bank, and Needham Bank. Those interested in learning more about the event and sponsorship opportunities should contact Laura Wise at Laura_Wise@vnacare.org. Tickets for the benefit are $75 and may be purchased at https://www.vnacare.org/stars.